How to Create a Ship to Home Pick Ticket

How to Create Ship to Home Pick Tickets

Internet Pick Tickets are created by using a date range. They can be run as often as you wish, and the printing dates can overlap. Only unpicked orders will have Pick Tickets created.

  1. Click on the "PI" shortcut button. This is a shortcut to the Picking screen.
  2. On the Picking Screen you will need to select the following options. 
    1. "All Internet Schools" this will pull in only the internet ship to home orders.
    2. Enter the "Starting Date" this can be set for the day before you are running the tickets for.
    3. Enter the "Ending Date" this will auto populate with the current date. 
    4. Insure the "Pick Ticket" field is populated with your companies internet Pick Ticket. I will be set by default, but go to check before running the process. 
    5. Check the "Include Pull Sheet" box if you wish to have a pull sheet with all the product that needs to be pulled to complete the orders. (see Image below)

    All other fields will be preset by Matiries support during setup. 

  3. Click the "Create New Pick Tickets" button. This will take some time to run, please do not click any other process in GiftTracker until this is completed.
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