How to correct the profit % after the sale is over

How to correct the profit % on orders after the sale is completed.

  1. First the profit % must be corrected. This is done by the following steps.
    1. Go to the School Master \ Brochure Tab.
    2. Click on the "Edit" button.
    3. Update the "Brochure Discount" field with the correct %.
    4. Click on "Save".
  2. Once the profit % is changed on the school, Go to the Orders Menu \ Global Updates option.

  3. Click on the "Global Updates.." option.
  4. On the Global Updates screen enter the following.
    1. School ID field = This will be the school id that needs the profit % updated. Note: Only the School Id field needs to be populated not the Internet School ID field. (If both Brochure and Internet profit %'s need to changed you will need to run this process separately for each school. 
    2. Check the "Discount" box.
    3. Click the "Update" button.

  1. A confirmation email will be displayed. Click "OK" or hit Enter on your keyboard.
  1. A popup will ask if you wish to perform the update. Click "Yes".
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