How to Sort Pick Tickets to print Alpha Student and Numeric.
- Once all the orders have been entered, Go to the Orders Menu\Global Updates option.
- Click on the "Global Updates.." option.
- On the Global Updates screen enter the following.
- School ID field = This will be the school id that you wish to filter. Note: Only the School Id field needs to be populated not the Internet School ID field.
Check the " Student Number" box. and the "By Student Name" radio button.
Click the " Update" button.
- A pop-up will display asking conformation on performing the update. Click "Yes"
How to have Pick Tickets Sort Students A-Z by last name and student number follow suit.
When doing data entry the students will be assigned a "Student No." based on when they were entered into the system.
In the example below you see that "ADAMS, BRIAN" has student number "2" and SMITH, KELLI" is student number "1".
The organization would like to have the student sorted A-Z by last name and the student number to correspond.
In the example below the end result will be:
To accomplish this you will need to follow the below steps.
e. A confirmation window will be displayed. Click " OK" or hit Enter on your keyboard.
The below example shows the final sorting. And the Pick Tickets will print out in the same order.