Online Reservation Dashboard

In this document will be going over the options on the Reservation site.

Please Click the Link below to go to the Online Reservation Information Page that includes a demo video.

Login to the reservation site using the credentials given to you by the company.

  • Click on the “Reservations” option.


The organizations that are assigned to the representative or distributor are listed under the School List.

Image of the Reservation Dashboard

Real Time Sales Total

On the top of the page their is a running total of all the organizations sales.

Image of the Total Sales for all organizations

Sorted Header List

Scheduled = Quick look at how many organizations are scheduled for a Kickoff dates in the future.

Active = Quick look at how many organizations are currently passed their Kickoff date.

Closed Campaigns = A view to see how many organizations are passed their contract end date.

Non - Submitted = A view of how the organizations that have been entered and saved, but have not been submitted for review.

Organization List

Non-Submitted = Organizations that have data but have not been submitted to the company.

School Id = This is the ID assigned by the company that is given out to the organizations to register with.

School Name = This is the name of the organization in the company’s database that is displayed on all reports and Invoices.

Type = The organization type is used to group the organizations for reports.

Group = The organization group is used on the online site to know what is to be viewed per organization.

City = Allows the organizations to be sorted by city.

State = Allows the organizations to be sorted by state.

Orders Received = Is checked when the paper orders are received by the company. (This only applies is the company is data entering the paper orders.)

Kickoff date = Is the date in the company’s database that the fundraising campaign will begin.

Brochure Sales = This is a live total of the paper sales that were entered.

Internet Sales = This is a live total of the internet sales for the organization.

Total Sales = Is a live total of all the sales for each organization.

Image of the Organization List

Viewing Organization Information

To view the information for the organization, click on the name of the organization and the information will be displayed. (This data is real time, if something is changed by the company it will be updated in this view.)

Adding a New Organization

To add a new organization, click on the Menu option "Add New Organization". This will open a form with all the fields needed to create a new organization. Any filed with an “*” is a required filed.

After the reservation data has been entered you will need to select one of the options below.

  • Print - this will print a reservation with your saved data for review.
  • Save and Continue Editing – If selected your current data will be saved and the organization will be added to the “Non-Submitted” view and the Non-Submitted column will be checked on the Dashboard.
  • Save and Mark Ready for Review – this will save your data and send it to the company to review and send to their database. (After the company approves the organization, you will receive a conformation email with the organization Id.) You will need to log out of the application and go back in to see the new school on your organization list.
  • Delete - will remove all the data that had been entered for the organization.

Registered Participants

On the registered participant screen, you can view all the students that have registered and the number of emails that have been sent out. This list can be emailed or downloaded.

Image of the Registered Participants page

Change Database

To see old data and run reports from previous seasons you can go to the Change Database menu and select a database from previous seasons and run reports.

When an older database is selected only the view option is available.


Reports that are relevant to your organizations can be run under the report menu. The reports are in real time and will be displayed in a new tab so mutable reports can be viewed at the same time. Once displayed they can be printed or downloaded in PDF, Excel or CSV format.

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