Product Suite Update 06/2023

Online Shopping Cart Updates

Registration Pages

  • New flag was added to the shopping cart administrator site that hides the "Enter Organization Id" filed on the registration page.
  • New flag was added to the shopping cart administrator site that hides the "Back Ground Image" on the registration pages.
  • New flag was added to the shopping cart administrator site that hides the "Registering Address Fields" on the registration page.
New Flags on the Administrator Site

Without New Flags Set
With New Flags Set
With New Flag "Hide Address on Registration Page" set

Coordinator Dashboard

  • A new "Sales Totals" column was added to the Registered Students page. This total includes the internet sales and brochure sales for each student.
Image of new "Total Sales" Column

Shopping Cart Administrator Site

  • The "Internationalization" tab on the Shopping Cart Administrator site has been changed to "SITE TEXT" and updated to not have the second column.

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