How To Merge Ship To School Internet Orders
Ship to School Order Merge Process
(Without a Student Number on the paper order form.)
1. Run the Unmatched Internet Orders Report.
Unmatched Internet Orders report. This will show you internet orders that Do Not have corresponding Names and Homerooms on the brochure school. This will need to be fixed before moving to the next step.
2. Entering in Brochure Orders.
Brochure orders are entered by using the Unmatched Internet Orders report that is run. You will need to sort you paper orders up by Homeroom then (A-Z) student to mimic the report.
Take the Order Code from the Unmatched Internet Orders report and enter it into the Order Code filed. (This filed can be set to be the first filed that is entered.)
This will pull in the information on the internet order into the order entry fields.
o To set the order entry prompt go to the System menu\Order Entry Fields Order. This will open the below window. You will then move over the fields you wish to tab through to the right column and sort them in the order you wish to enter.
3. Merging the Ship to School Orders.
- To run the merge process that merges the Internet ship to school orders to the Brochure orders, you need to go to Orders\ Merge Ship to School Orders.
- In the merge ship to school orders screen you will need to enter the Brochure school id the internet school Id will automatically populate.
Then click the "Merge" button.
- The Order Key will allow you to merge and unmerge based on the internet Order Key. This is useful, if only one order is incorrect and needs to be corrected. So, you will not have to unmerge the entire school.
- The Global Update Internet School by Order Code check box will run the global update that matches the orders for the internet order codes with the brochure order codes. This is checked by default. And must be checked to ensure the students are matched up.
*** If there is not a corresponding brochure order to merge into; a new order will be created in the brochure school at the end of the student #s for that organization. ***
After the merge has been completed it is a good policy to run the Merged Orders Exceptions By School ID report. This report will list merged ship to school orders exceptions for a specified brochure school and internet school.
If there is an issue, you will need to unmerge the internet order in question, correct the issue, and re-merge just that internet order key.
**The process must be done in that order. **
After the merge process is completed, you can then run automatic prizes for the school.
Terminology on the ship to school columns in order entry
When searching for a Ship To School order in the internet school ID. The Order Entry screen will show the Order Code and the Ship To School Order Key for the Brochure school order. You can verify that the student has multiple orders by using the Large Search binoculars in order entry and checking the Ship To School and Ship To School Order columns.
The Ship To School column will have either a 0 or 1. The 0 means that is a ship to home order, the 1 is a ship to school order. The Ship To School Order column will have the Brochure Order Key that the internet ship to school order is matched to.
In the Brochure School on the Order Detail tab, you will see the merged orders as 0 in the ordered column, 100 in the Discount column, and 1 in the internet column. In the example below the item 110 already has an brochure order, this is why there is a 1 in the Ordered column.
In the brochure school order entry, you can use the search feature to see what orders were added by the merge by looking at the Special Instructions column. On the Order Header the Order Source will show 5=Ship To School Merge.