Adding a New Product Type to the Online Store

When adding a new product group to the online store their are a couple of steps that need to be followed to ensure shipping and Tax are applied at checkout.

Creating the new Product Type in the ERP

  • When creating the Product Type in the ERP you will need to go to Inventory Menu \ Product Type.

  • Then click on the "Add" button.
Click Add
  • Enter in the new Product Type name and description.

This is what will display on the Online Site

Enter New Product Type
  • If you are calculating Tax Online then the "Tax Code" field will need to be populated with the TaxJar category that matches the product added to the new product type.

Adding the new Product Type to the shipping rules on the Online Admin dashboard

  • Go to you shopping cart and login as the Administrator.
  • Go to the "SITE CONFIGURATION" menu.
  • Click on the "Shipping Tab".
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and find all the rules that need to be updated. Click on the "Edit" button.
Shipping Rule Example
    • Click on a blank space in the "Item Type:" field and it will then display all the product types in the ERP select the newly created product type. It will then turn bold and be added to the list.
    • Click the "Save" button.
Shipping Rule Edit Screen

Note: If you have more than one rule, then the above process will need to be completed for each rule.

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