Online Brochure Order Entry

This document will be going over the options on the Online Brochure Oder Entry

Please Click the link below to go tot the Online Brochure Order Entry how to video.

Login to the Online Brochure Order Entry site using the credentials given to you by the company.

  • Click on the “Order Entry” option.


When you enter the Order Entry page you will be dropped to the Participant Orders page. Here you will see any orders that have already been entered and saved to the organization.

Entering In Orders

To create new orders you will need to go to the "+ New Order (alt = n)" option on the left tool bar.

This will bring up the order entry page. You will need to enter in the customer information and the items.

The top notification bar in red is a running number of the number of Participants, Units, and Toal Sales that have been entered for the organization.

Example of the top notification bar

Please ensure that the Participants Name is imputed in "Last, First" order, this will help the sorting process during delivery.

Participant Information

Below are the options for the participants information.

Note: Not every option will always be available, this is based on the companies processes.

  • Participant Name: This is the name of the participant. (This is a required filed)
  • Order Code: is used to marry up orders when processing, please impute the number on the top of the Order Form. (This will very per company)
  • E-Mail Address: is the participants email address if it is on the order form.
  • Cell Phone: is the participants cell phone number if it is on the order form.
  • Expected $: : is the dollar amount tallied on the order form by the organization. (This may not always be done. )
  • Homeroom: This is a required field, it allows the company to sort the orders for delivery.

The Dollar amount and Expected Units may not be filled out by all organizations.

Example of a populated participant fields

Entering In Items

The items field will only except items that are on the brochures that are sold for the organization.

When entering in the items you will not need to use the mouse, after clicking on the "ItemId" field.

After entering the item id click the "Enter" key on your keyboard. This will add the item in the list below.

Note: The quantity will alway default to "1"

There are two options to view data. Please see below.

  • Enter in the items as they are listed on the brochure and have the items display exactly like they are entered.
  • Enter items and have them display on one item line.
    • To opt in for this option; you will need to check the "Quantity (Add to existing quantity when present?" box.
  • You can edit the information in on the products at any time the changes you make will be live.

The number on the bottom notification bar, show the number of Line items, Total Units, and Total Sales for the order being entered.

If the Expected$ and Expected Units were entered in the participant fields then, the Total Units and Total Sales on the notification bar will reflect if they match.

If the units and sales are "RED" then the fields do not match. As in the example.

If the units and sales are the same they will be "Black".

To begin a new order you may hit (alt + n) on your keyboard if you are using a Window computer. If not Click on the "+ New Order" button on the top of the screen or on the left menu column.

Running Verification Reports

  • Go to the "Order Verification Reports" option on the left menu. This will allow you to run reports based on the data entered into the online application.

Editing Orders

  • After all the orders have been entered you can view them by clicking on the "Participant Orders" option on the left menu.
    • From this screen you may select any participant order and edit, before the final submit to the organization.

Submitting Order to Company

  • After all the orders have been entered and reconciled, you will click on the "Submit Orders to Company" button. This will send the orders to the company and notify them of the orders.

Note: This process can not be reversed. If you need orders updated or have late orders after this process you will need to notify your fundraising company.

Once the orders are submitted you will be able to view all the orders in real time, but not be able to update them.

Running Reports for the Organization

  • After all the orders have been submitted you can go to the "Reports" menu option and run information reports for the organization.

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