Capturing Participant Shirt Size At Registration

This document will explain how to setup the capture the participants shirt size at the registration process.

  1. Go to https://"your company name" and login as the administrator.
  2. Select the "SITE CONFIGURATION" tab.

  3. Select the "Organization Specific" menu in the left column.
  4. Select the organization that you wish to have the Shirt Size selected at registration.
  5. Select the "T-Shirt Size Selection" tab.
    1. Select the "Yes" radio button.
    2. Click "Save"
  6. Create and Edit the option size on the Existing Sizes section.
    1. The Sizes can be sorted by a drop and drag process.

Example Image of the T-Shirt Size page.
Image of registration with the new T-Shirt option.

The "Shirt Size" column displays on the "Student Listing" page only if the T-Shirt Size Selection is activated for the organization.

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