Product Suite 2023 Update Document

Online Shopping Cart Updates

Online Administrative Site

Organization registration email now has a customizable text box. This is found on the Administrative site ( This is the email that is sent to the sponsor when the organization is uploaded to the shopping cart by clicking the “Import Organization from Matiries ERP” button. The email will be sent to the email address on the School Web Reporting Setup Window.

The Text will be displayed on the email as shown in the example below in the “YOUR CUSTOM MESSAGE HERE” text. All other text is hard coded and cannot be changed.

Sponsor Dashboard

The Sponsor Dashboard is reached by entering the credentials that were created on the School Web Reporting Setup. Please click this link Sponsor Dash Doc to go to the Sponsor Dashboard Documentation.

Sales Representative Dashboard

The Sales Representative dashboard can be reached by going to the Order Entry site and entering in the credentials that are supplied by the company when a sales rep is created on the online site.

Please click this link Sales Rep Dash Doc to go to the Sales Representative Dashboard Documentation.

Shopping Cart Home Page

There have been UI updates on the Shopping Cart. Below is a list of the changes.

  • The main menu has the menu options separated to make it easier to find the menu. And now fills the page.
  • The company logo is now smaller and fits better on the header and the logo message is smaller and only allows for 500 characters.
  • The footer now expands the page.
  • Every page now has a “Back to Top” option.

Shopping Cart Items Page

  • The shopping page has also been updated with a new header and footer expanding the page.
  • The Search for items field has been moved to the header and now not only searches for the Item name but also the More Details Descriptions. (This will allow for a more advanced search.)
  • The Cart Icon is now in the right corner of the header like most shopping carts.
  • The Menu Bar now displays the menu items without having to wrap around the search field and is frozen so it can be seen on all site pages. (This makes it easier to view the menu items and Cart Icon.)
  • The “To shop for a different seller click here” button has been formatted as a button rather than a link to make it more noticeable. (This can now be deactivated on the admin site)
  • If the organization has the option to choose “Ship to School” and “Ship to Home” then the updated “Shipping To ___” option is displayed on every product page.
  • The Banner for the PDF shopping has been updated to no longer have the option to display the Brochure PDF to order from. (This will be replaced with a new option before Fall 2023). The Banner can now be displayed by itself for each Brochure. (See Example Below)
  • Social media share link option is now at the bottom of the shopping page and is now more prevalent.
  • The “Back to Top” option is also available on all shopping cart pages.
  • The “View Your Shopping Cart” hyperlink is now more prevalent.
  • The Information links are now displayed on the footer.

Shopping Cart Page

  • The Menu Bar is always available on all shopping pages. (This will allow the shopper to choose an item at any time and return to the cart without having to hit the back page.
  • The option to change sellers is on the shopping cart page as well to allow the shoppers to support a different seller before moving to the Checkout page.
  • The Voucher field has been moved under the Order Summary box.
  • The Checkout button terminology has been updated to “Proceed to Checkout”.
  • If the company is offering free shipping on the shopping cart. A new display will show how close the shopper is to free shipping.
  • The go back buttons have been removed to make the site cleaner.

Enter Shipping Address Page

  • The text box on the Enter Shipping Address Page now extends the length of the information text below.
  • The “Get Shipping Quote” button has been expanded.

Payment Page

  • The “Place Order” button has been expanded.

Item Selection Option

This will allow products that have different options to be under one Item online, and choose one of the options that adds that item for that option to the cart.

New Magazine Option with over 300 subscriptions.

There is now the option to have over 300 magazine subscriptions on the Shopping Cart. Please reach out to support for more information.

Reservation Site Updates

On the reservation site the terminology has been changed from “Schools” to “Organizations”

Dashboard updates

  • Added a new column “Orders Received” that will notify the sales representative that the paper orders have been received. This is updated in GiftTracker on the Organizations Master\Delivery tab\”Cards Recvd” flag.

New Organization Page

  • The Contract Info - "Effective Date" to "Online Start Date" and "Expire Date" to "Online End Date" have been changed.
  • The Reservation Info- "Parent Pickup Date" now auto-populates with the Delivery Info- "Delivery Date" when imported into GiftTracker.
  • The Contact Info - "Contract Date" auto fills with current date the form is being populated.
  • There is now a new admin field that will populate the "Contract Number" filed.
  • The "Control Number" field can now be hidden and is auto populated with the School ID when entered or created.
  • The “Price Structure" filed can now be hidden from sales reps.

Review Organization Page

  • The login credentials for the sponsor are now displayed once created in Matiries ERP (This allows the reps and distributors to see the credentials in case the sponsor cannot login.)

New Registered Participants Menu

  • The sales rep and admin can see all the participants that have registered, and the number of emails sent from the participant registration process. The site will allow the list to be downloaded or emailed in PDF and Excel.

New Change Database Menu

This new option allows the Sales Reps to change over to the previous database to run reports. (Reps cannot edit the data, only view and run reports.)

Online Brochure Order Entry Updates

On the Online Brochure Order Entry site, the terminology has been changed from “Student” to “Participant”.

Order Verification Reports

This new menu allows the user to run reports based on the orders that have been entered on the site; before the orders are submitted to GiftTracker.

The report options for this are listed below.

  • Participant Orders: This lists out all the participants and the items ordered.
  • Participant Orders by Homeroom: This is the same data as on the Participant Orders report but separates the participants by homeroom.
  • Order Variance By Dollars with Participant Numbers: This report will display participants that have a variance for money that was collected versus data entered and list the amounts.
  • Order Variance: This report will display participants that have a variance for money that was collected versus data entered.

Updated Participant Order Entry Screen

  • There is now a running total of how many participants, units, and sales that have been entered on the site for this organization.
  • The “Quantity” field no longer requires the deleting of the default "1" to change the number of units.

Matiries ERP Updates

Help Menu

The help menu has now been updated with links to the following.

  • Search Knowledge Base - Our new Matiries Knowledge Base.
  • Contact Support – Opens up a support ticket window.
  • Visit our Website – This will take you to the website.
  • About Matiries ERP – This will have the version information.


  • When a Default Bin is changed on Products, it will now propagate to the BOM.
  • The Items search window now has the Vendor ID and Vendor Item #.
  • Added a new Supplier note filed to the supplier tab.

Excel Order Import

The Excel Order Import now has the option to flag orders as Ship to School internet order.

Internet Export Orders

The Export Orders process can now be set to export the supplier Item number rather than the Item number. (This will allow companies to export orders to other suppliers and distributors with their product ID’s.)

Updated Reports

  • Pull Sheet Multiple Schools w/Cases – This report will now allow the prizes to be displayed and allows for 25 schools.
  • Master List – This report has been updated to include the ship to school merged items.
  • Extra Pieces By School ID – This report also now includes the ship to school merged items.
  • Inventory Summery Listing – has been updated to accommodate the Ship to School orders that have been merged. (Run the report by choosing “All Brochures” and “Y” in the prompts.)
  • Seller Detail Combined – This report will be updated by Fall 2023 and will have some of the columns moved to make it easier to understand.

New Reports

Ship to Home Shipping – This will create a display of all the Ship to Home internet orders and their shipping information.

Sales Totals By Date All Schools – This report will give a total sales amount for all organizations filtered by a date range. (This is used to verify monthly sales)

Inventory by Warehouse – This report is like the Projected Inventory by Warehouse report but has a summary and does not have the projected amount to order. This is a great report for real time inventory.

New Interfaces

ShipStation API

  • The new ShipStation API no longer requires the refresh button to be clicked to bring the orders over. (This will also allow for companies to move to a lower subscription level with ShipStation.)
  • Products that are in a pre-packed warehouse and are the only items on the order the order will not be sent to ShipStation. (This will eliminate having orders in ShipStation that will never be processed.)
  • The orders are exported to ShipStation as soon as the product is packed.
  • A process is run every night to pull in the shipping information into the Matiries ERP from ShipStation.

QuickBooks Online API

  • A new QuickBooks Online API is being developed and will be released in September 2023.
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