Adding Organziations to the Online Site as a Company

To create a new organization in the Matiries ERP; you will need to click to the "SC" button on the shortcut menu bar.

    1. Then click on the "Add" button. This will open the fields to create a new organization.

Regular Organization Setup

Note: You only need to populate the fields mentioned below to create an organization that will be imported to the online sites. Other fields are useful, but not required.

General Tab

    1. The School ID is what is given to the organization to register with on the shopping cart registration page. This is how orders get mapped to the organization in the ERP, and is used for reporting. (This can be set to auto create, but can be manually adjusted)
    2. School Name is be used for reporting and displayed on the shopping cart as the organization name.
    3. School Type can have pre-set options that will allow filtering on reports. EX. High , Middle ...
    4. School Group can also have pre-set options that will allow filtering on reports.
    5. The Address information is needed for reporting and online tax calculations.
    6. The Product Pricing is the pricing structure that is being used for this organization. This pricing will be carried over to the internet school as well.
    7. Control Number needs to be populated with the School ID; this will ensure reports and merging of the organizations match up.

Contracts Tab

    1. On the Contract tab only the Primary Phone field needs to be populated. The Contracts will be auto-populated by using the company email, Primary Phone, and coordinators fields.

Orders 1 Tab

    1. The Tax Jurisdiction is a required field. (This can be pre-configured and populated to "NONE" if tax is not required)
    2. The Discount % must be set. This is the default Profit that school \ organization will receive on the brochure sales.
    3. Payment Terms can be pre-set options that will be used in the Invoicing module.
    4. Preferred Trucking Co is used for online pricing as well as setting the organization for Free Shipping online. Free Shipping
    5. Notes field can be carried over from year to year. This is for special instructions for the sales rep.

Orders 2 Tab

    1. Coordinator needs to be populated to create the contact information.
    2. Salesperson will need to pre created before the organization is created. This field will be used to attach a sales rep to the organization for reporting and to attach the organization to the Online Registration Dashboard.
    3. Enrollment is the number of participants in an organization. (This is very useful for forecasting)
    4. Brochure Qty is the number of order forms that were sent to an organization.
    5. Pick Ticket Message can be text placed on the individual organization or Pick Ticket or on all Pick Tickets.

f. Web Information Button Setup on the Order 2 Tab

To create the coordinator credentials and flag the organization to be imported to the online site the "Web Information" button needs to be clicked and the listed fields must be populated.

This is only added on the regular organization.

      1. User ID: This the user Id the coordinator will use to login to the online shopping cart to get to there dashboard.
      2. Password: The password filed is the password used with the User ID credentials above.
      3. Email Address: This will be the email for the coordinator. (An registration email is sent out as soon as the organization is imported to the online site.) This email has the registration QR code.
      4. Internet School ID: This needs to be left empty, it will get populated when the internet school is created.
      5. Report Group: This will attach the organization to the report group that was created for the online reporting.
      6. Import this School: This box needs to be flagged if the organization is going to be running an online program. (When the organizations are imported to the online site the process looks for this flag.)
      7. Import Date: is left empty, It will be populated once the organization is imported to the online site.
      8. Import Failure Reason: This is also left empty, it will only get populated with an error if the organization fails to import online.
      9. Click on the "Exit" button once all the data is entered.

Contracts Tab

    1. Number: is the contract number (This is a required filed) if you are entering the dates on this tab.
      1. Note: this can be any number
    2. Date: is the date the contract was signed. [DD/MM/YYYY]
    3. Begin: This is date the online site looks at to open the Online Brochure Order Entry. DD/MM/YYYY]
    4. End: This is the date the site looks at to close the Online Brochure Order Entry. [DD/MM/YYYY]
    5. The Web End date is populated when and if the orders were submitted through the Online Brochure Order Entry site.

Brochure Order Entry Document

If your company is not using the Online Brochure Order Entry Module; then the dates can be populated on the brochure school. This is due to the dates will carry over to the Internet school contracts tab.


    1. The Brochures that are selected on the Brochures tab are going to be sold on the brochure orders for that organization. The application will not allow any other items to be selected on order entry.
    2. When in Add or Edit mode all the available brochures will be listed in the left field.
      1. Highlight the brochure you wish to add to that add to the organization.
        1. Check the box next to the "Sells Flag" (This attached that brochure to the organization.)
        2. The Brochure Priority will auto add in sequence the brochure is added. The Brochure Priority will determine how the brochures are ordered on the shopping cart. If the cart is displaying by product type then the Brochure Priority (1) will be the products that are displayed first.
        3. Brochure Discount is the percent that the organization will receive for the sales for that brochure.

          The Brochure Discount will override the discount on the "Orders 1" tab.

        4. Brochure Pricing is the sale price structure that is applied for that brochure. This sales price can be applied to all the products in the selected brochure or just a couple selected. Different pricing on product for a brochure

          The Brochure Pricing will override the pricing on the "General" tab.

        5. Brochure Commission is used for Sale Rep commissions reports. (This is not required)
        6. Brochure Projected Units is used for some forecasting reports. (This is not required)

Saving the Organization

    1. Once the information is entered for the Regular Organization Click the "Save" button on the bottom menu bar.

    2. A popup will display asking if you wish to create an internet school.
      1. Click "Yes" and then "OK"

The auto internet school creation flags in the "System Setting" needs to be turned on in order for the Internet School to be auto created. (Please reach out to Matiries support to help get this configured for your company.)

Internet Organization Setup

After the internet school process is completed the brochure school will be displayed.

    1. Click on the "Next" button and go to the Internet Organization.

b. Click on the "Edit" button if you need to change any information on the Internet Organization.

If you want to apply different pricing or brochures on the internet organization, you will need to update them manually. Alternatively, you can enable the "Auto-add Internet School" settings to auto-populate these changes.

Importing Organization to the Online Sites

This process can be completed either after all new organizations have been created in the ERP or individually, one at a time.

    1. Go to https:// "Your Online Company Name" and login as the administrator.
    2. Then go to the "ORGANIZATIONS" tab.
    3. Click the "Import Organizations from ERP" button.

d. Once imported click on the browner refresh option to see the new organization.

Adding the Drip Email to the newly imported organizations.

The Drip Email in not required; if you wish to use this feature, please reach out to support for a training session.

After the organizations are imported to the online site. Follow the steps below to activate the Drip Email.

The Drip emails would have needed to been configured before this process.

    1. Go to the "SITE CONFIGURATION" menu and select the "Drip Options" tab.

b. Click on the "Yes" radio button

c. Enter the number of day you wish to have the emails send out.

d. Click on the "Save Drip Settings for All Schools" button.

This process will activate all of the new organizations that were imported.

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